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Face mask for coronavirus n95 | Can wearing a face mask protect against the coronavirus?

Can wearing a face mask protect against the coronavirus?

COVID-19 spreads from person to person via small respiratory droplets. These are generate when infected people sneezes, cough. You can contact the virus if you breath in these droplets. It can be on various object or surface and than touching eyes, nose or mouth can leads to infection. To prevent these types of infection you should use the face mask.

Types of mask: If we hear about face mask for COVID-19 prevention. First thing we should thing that which mask should use for it. Which mask is better for it? Because here we have types of these mask and way to use it.

For coronavirus prevention there are three types of mask.
1.    Homemade  cloth face mask
2.    Surgical mask
3.    N95 respiratory
Let’s see each of them in little more detail below-

Homemade cloth face masks-
To prevent the spread of the coronavirus from people without symptoms, the centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) is recommending that people can wear cloth face mask while in outside or anywhere else. like cloth face mask in public setting especially in areas of significant community based transmission, such as grocery stores and medical stores. Don’t put cloth face mask on small child. Or people who have problems with their breathing, unconscious and eho are unable to remove their own cloth face mask.

Homemade face mask

wash cloth mask after every use. While removing, be careful not to touch your eyes, nose and mouth. Wash hands with alcohol based sanitizer immediately after removing the mask.

Benefits of homemade face mask
1.    Cloth face mask cam made at home form normal cloths, so how much you want you can make and use.
2.    It makes lower risk of people form transmitted ant symptoms.
3.    This is better than not using any mask, and giving some protection.

Risk of home made masks
some times it provide less security, homemade mask offer less of protection than surgical mask or respirators. They don’t replace or reduce the need for other protective equipment.

Surgical mask-
Surgical mask are disposable, little loose-fitting face masks that covers your nose , mouth and chin they are typically used to protect the droplets, prevent the spread of germs, infections from others.
Surgical masks can vary in design, but the mask is flat and rectangular in shape with pleats. The top of the mask has a metal strips that can be formed to your nose to protect from infected air. The elastic bands or long straight ties help hold the surgical mask in place while you are wearing it.

Surgical face mask

N95 respiratory-
An N95 respiratory is a more tight and fitting face mask. And due to tight fitting it van become uncomfortable and stuffy and making people difficult to wear for long periods of time. Incondition of sprays and large droplets, this respiratory can also filter out 95 percent of very small virus and bacteria. It designed to form a tight seal to your face and the elastic bands help hold it without irritation to your face. In some mask there is a attachment to help breathing and buildup of heat and humidity. If the mask does not seal effectively to your face , you won’t receive better proctection.

N95 facemask

Other ways to prevent COVID-19
Remember that there are others ways to besides using face mask to prevent coronavirus.
-       Cleaning hands: using soap and water and alcohol based sanitizer.
-       Avoid social distancing: avoid contact with people who are infected or not, stay home.
-       Being conscious of your face- touch your mouth and face after clean hand wash.
-       Using mask- before using mask inspect it for any hole or tears. Locate the metal strips in mask. This is top of the mask. And avoid to touching it.
-       Use gloves- while touching any surface or going outside use mask and dispose it after use and wash your hand.


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