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Eye care | Tips for eyecare?

Eye care


For human and animal both need eye to survive their life. it keep us safe, In your body eye is the most important and sensitive part. In eye there are many tissues and organ support to vision and view. The eye is an organ that detects light and sends signals along the optic nerve to brain. Eye is the most valuable organ that gives you ability to see, it’s function allows for light perception and vision and include ability to view the colors. To find the different between color and depth there are many organs and parts that help. Such as sclera- it is white of the eye, the cornea- it is the clear bulging surface in front of the eye, anterior and posterior, iris, lens, vitreous, retina- it is most important part of the eye, it is in the very back of the eye. It holds millions of cells that are sensitive to light. It takes the light, eye receives and changes it into nerve signals so the brain can understand what the eye is seeing.


Give importance to your eye because there are many function that help you to see, can get harm. Your eye has many parts that must work together to produce clear vision. If your eye is in good vision than you can see 20 feet but some time people with normal vision would see it clearly from  100 feet.  Sight and vision are important because they allow us to connect with environment, surroundings, keep us safe, connect with family, help maintain the sharpness of our mind. you believe people with the means of your sight.  Your eye sight is one of the most important senses 80% of what we perceive comes through our sense of sight. By protecting your eyes, you can reduce the odds of blindness and vision loss.  With the help of never cell called rods and cones allow you to detect the motion and help to see in dim light and at night also. But by aged the effect on eye comes in middle age, the lens of eye becomes less flexible and less able to thickness and thus less able to focus on nearby objects. Reading glasses or bifocal lenses can help compensate for this problem. Due to age sometimes size of the eye change.


The advantages of having two eyes allows to see farther into the distance with highest resolution, and you can see the entire surroundings at the same time. By good vision, your life quality is increased as you no longer need to wear contact lenses or glasses, because wearing contact lenses or glasses catching higher risk of infection by wearing this, so you need to get some advantage of other things such as  rich and healthy diets exercise to avoid  higher risk. The advantages, eat for you eye- eating carrot is good for your vision, exercise for your eye, full body exercise for your vision, rest for your eyes, get enough sleep. These step have good advantage for your vision.


What are the cause for eye?
There are many causes of eye, if you will not take care of your eye than it leads blindness and low vision. This one things is most important to survive in life. Think if you loss your eye only for one day, how much problem you will face like for going bathroom, your daily hygiene, exercise, breakfast, going for job, work, going out for food. There are lots of problem you will face on every turn of your ways. The common causes of pain behind the eyes are migraine headache, this pain always is behind only one eye.
Other cause like sometime eyes hurt to move, its mostly likely due to eye strain and could be infection or injury. Other signs of weak eye are hazy, blurred or double vision, seeing flashes of light or sudden bright floating spots , seeing rainbows or halos around light. Seeing floating spider webs.

Eye causes
Symptoms of eye weakness:
  1. There are many symptoms of vision problems such as-
  2. sore, tired. burning or itching eye.
  3. Sever, sudden eye pain.
  4. sore neck, shoulder or back.
  5. Hazy, blurred or double vision.
  6. Recurrent pain in or around eye.
  7. Sitting close to the TV.
  8. Difficulty in night vision.
  9. Seeing rainbows or halos around light.
  10. Seeing flashes of light or sudden bright floating spots.
  11. Seeing floating spider webs seeing curtain down over one eye.

What is the reason of weak eyesight?
Here are some of most common causes of low vision includes age related issue, diabetes, and glaucoma. Some time low vision also result from cancer of the eye, brain injury or inherited disorder of the eye. Your eye might get tired easily if you stay for long periods at a computer, Smartphone, Game console and TV. Because while using digital devices there are blue rays coming from your mobile phone , computer or other electronic devices. This is the first reason in this era for weak vision. The doctor call this computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain. Digital devices may also be linked to weak vision because while using digital devices you blink your eye very less. Some time the stress cortisol can actually damages the eye and brain and disrupt blood flow in these parts of body. means stress is the also major reason for eye disease, like glaucoma.  


Tips to make your eye healthy:
If you are working continuously than your can be damage very fast. Avoid eye damages you can not loss you job or work but to avoid eye damages you can follow this tips to make your eye healthy, If you do this activity such as you can look away from your screen every 20 minutes and stare at something  20 feet in front of you for 20 second. Or you can you can apply wash cloth soaked in warm water to tired eyes.
  1. Blink eye to refresh your eye
  2. Take eye breaks to rest
  3. Beware of the sun.
  4. Have regular sight tests.
  5. Reduce light and glare
  6. Use document holder
  7. Reduce alcohol consumption.
  8. Avoid smoking.
  9. Exercise safely.
  10. Avoid using lenses for long time.
  11. Create eye friendly surrounding.
  12. Know your risk factor for eye diseases.
  13. Pay attention to any changes in your vision.
  14. Adjust your monitor and its light
  15. Have regular sight tests.

Tips for eye care
Get eye exercise:
Hold your pointer finger a few inches away from your eye and focus on the finger slowly move your finger away from your face and look away for a moment into the distance, focus on your out stretched finger and slowly bring it back toward your eye. Rub your hand together quickly to warm them, close your eye your and place your palm over them and feel the warm moving into your eyes.8


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Eyes' health is very important as they are very precious organs. Thanks for sharing these helpful tips.
    Best Eye Doctor in Ludhiana

  3. It is not easy to prevent all eye diseases. Follow simple tips for eye care-

    - Wear Sunglasses: UV blocking sunglasses delay the growth of cataracts since direct sunlight hastens their formation. Sunglasses prevent retinal damage.

    - Don't Smoke: Tobacco smoking is directly linked to several adverse health effects, including age-related degeneration (AMD).

    - Eat Right: Consume higher zinc levels, vitamins C and E, zeaxanthin, lutein, omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, and more.

    - Be Aware of Eye Fatigue: If you've got eye strain from performing at a computer or doing close work, you'll follow the 20-20-20 rule: search from your work every 20 minutes at an object 20 feet away for twenty seconds. If eye fatigue persists, it is often a symbol of several different conditions, like dry eye, presbyopia, or spectacles with lenses that aren't properly centered.

    - Sleep Well: Give proper rest to your eyes and lessen your screen timings. For your care, eye specialist Dr. Monica Jain has shared her words on eye care.

    Learn More- Proven Eye Health Tips for Preventing Vision Loss

  4. Thanks for those amazing tips. As a professional optometrist near LombardI really like those tips. It is really helpful for those who are trying to get rid from their eye issues.

  5. There are amazing tips and worth a try. Everyone should practice these and if you want the best treatment from the leading Eye Hospital In Phagwara, contact Mitra Eye Hospital & Lasik Laser Centre.

  6. 15 tips for eye care are amazing. These are useful for day to day life..thanks for sharing. If you are having watery eye problem, irritation, fatigue, weak eye sight then Cureveda Vision is good product for all these problems.


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