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Smoking | what happens to your body when you smoke?



In this era, smoking is a huge bad habit of younger’s and adults. This smoking is not only for men but, women also using smoke. due to smoke people are dying because of this causes- increase risk of stroke and brain damage, eye contracts, macular degeneration, yellowing of whites of eyes, loss of sense of smell and taste, yellow teeth, tooth decay and bad breath, cancer of the nose , lips tongue and mouth, possible hearing loss, laryngeal and pharyngeal cancer mouth cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer etc..

Why do people smoke?
When people using tobacco, either by smoking or chewing tobacco or using another things of tobacco, nicotine enters the body and activate the receptors in the brain. And after some time people get addicted of nicotine, when they addict of it they use any form of nicotine like smoking, tobacco or other stuffs to complete the addiction of nicotine in their body. Smoking was more strongly linked with anger, anxiety and alertness in men than in women. Feelings of sadness or fatigue were linked with the urge to smoke in men only. When they smoke they feel less angry and it reduce their feelings of sadness. People are smoking in the belief of smoking is helping to relax, but smoking actually increase anxiety and tension. Nicotine create an immediate sense of relaxation so people smoke.

What happens to your body when you smoke?
While smoking our lungs can be very badly affected by smoking. Smoking can cause lung cancer, affect your smartness, dry skin, dry face, hair loss bad smelling and breathing, getting more stress, fatal diseases such as emphysema and pneumonia. Smoking causes 84% deaths from lung cancer and 83% of deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). And much more happens to your body so, try to stop smoking.

Lungs after smoke

Is smoking 5 cigarettes a day bad?
Research say that people who smoke 5 cigarettes a day are doing same thing and damage to their lungs as people who smoke 30 cigarettes a day. They says it take light smoker little more  time to damage lung as heavy smoker. But the fact is it damage always. No matter how many cigarettes you smoke each a day it’s important to kick the habit. People who smoke more than 20 cigarettes, it is symptoms of addicted of nicotine and its causes are very high.

Smoking worst thing:
Your lungs can be badly affected by smoking. Causes like asthma, coughs, cold, hair fall, dry skin, this thing is just the start. Cancer like lungs cancer , mouth cancer, kidney cancer liver cancer heart disease, fatal diseases, stroke, emphysema, pneumonia its all the deadly causes. In India approximately 120 million smokers. According WHO (World Health Organization), India is 12% of the world’s smokers. More than 10 million die each year due to tobacco in India. 

30 years after smoking:
Lungs magically heal the damage from smoking, lungs have an almost power to repair and heal some of damages  caused by smoking. But if you continuously smoke for a long time and have developed COPD which include emphysema and the lungs can never totally heal. The lungs loses tiny blood vessels and can’t grow new ones. So that will be permanent.

Head and shoulder cancer
Think about trying some of these activities to stop smoking:
1.      Exercise.
2.      Get out of the house for a walk.
3.      Keep your mind busy.
4.      Relax with breathing.
5.      Go to movie.
6.      Drink lots of water.
7.      Eat something every time.
8.      Spend time with family.
9.      Avoid smoking friends.
10.  Get involved smoking prevention campaigns.

Other ways:
·         Know your reasons why you smoke.
·         Set a quit date to stop smoking.
·         Avoid thinking of smoke.
·         Seek support.
·         Make non-smoking friends.

Advantages of stop smoking:
After just one day without smoking the body starts cleanses it self of the carbon monoxide from the cigarettes. It returns to its normal position, and increasing the body’s oxygen level. After one day the risk of heart disease, COPD, heart attack, dryness of skin, all types of problems will begins to decrease. So stop smoking...

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