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Health care | How to get good quality of sleeping?


Sleeping is a vital, often neglected, component of every person’s overall health and well-being. Human spend 1/3 of their life in sleeping. Sleep is more important than eating food and drinking water for our health. It is not only a sleep, it is first base of our healthy body and sharp mind. It means if one day you don’t sleep, next day you would lost your energy, power of thinking, understanding, your body can’t work normally, can’t take decision. It means, how much your body needs energy food and water can not complete without enough sleep. Because while sleeping it enable the body parts to repair, fit and healthy, and ready for next day. It also prevent excess weight gain, heart disease, and increased illness.

Good quality of sleep:
Good quality of sleep is more important for all babies, students and adults. It means that you fall asleep in 30 minutes or less. A good quality of sleep is just as important as regular exercise and healthy diet. Research says that poor sleep has immediate negative effect in your hormones, exercise activity, energy, brain and body.

Best method to fall asleep fast:

  1. Lower the room temperature.
  2. follow regular schedule.
  3. Maintain daylight and darkness.
  4. Practice yoga, meditation and mindfulness.
  5. Do not look at your clock.
  6. Avoid naps during a day.
  7. Maintain diet routine in dinner.
  8. Use 4-5-6 breathing method.
  9. Sleeping naked is healthier.
  10. Stop thinking before go to bed.
  11. Release that body needs energy
  12. Focus on the positive things

Changes during sleep:
Many hormones process happens during sleep. Your body go to rest mode, brain stores new information and gets rids of toxic waste. Nerve system start communicate, which supports healthy brain function. Your body repairs all the cells, tissue, restore energy, and release molecules like hormones and proteins. Improve blood circulation, which is good for Your heart and muscle. level of stress hormones decrease. Which helps skin repair of daytime damages. this all process helps anti-aging benefits.

Advantages of sleeping:

  1. There are many advantage of sleeping only for you, Such as-
  2. Sleep 7 to 9 hours.
  3. Sleep helps to reduce stress.
  4. It can lower your blood pressure.
  5. It helps your body to get energy.
  6. It can improve your memory.
  7. It can helps you to get better mood.
  8. It can helps you to maintain weight.
  9. It can helps you to avoid depression.

With everything doing more have side effect same here also side effect of sleeping more:

Disadvantage of more sleeping:

  1. Depression.
  2. Stress.
  3. Increased pain.
  4. Body pain.
  5. Mood upset.
  6. Sleep disorder.
  7. Fatigue.
  8. Weight gain.
  9. Higher risk of obesity.
  10. Higher risk of diabetes.
  11. Higher risk of heart disease.
  12. Increased inflammation.

Stop over sleep:

  • Get adequate night time sleep.
  • Set consistent wake up time.
  • Do regular exercise.
  • Use alarm.
  • Set consistent meal time.
  • Tell your family member to wake you up at time.

What happens when you sleep in your skin?
At night, while sleeping your skin switches to protect mode to repair the daytimes damages. And this is the time to recover day stresses. Human growth hormones production are boosted, which in turn accelerates skin to get healthy. Good sleep also gives your immune system some fighting power so you prevent normal infections like cold, flu and many types of germs. It puts you at lower risk for depression and other mood disorder. Good sleep keep you looking younger. 7 to 9 hours of sleep can be beauty hours for your look.

What happens when you don't sleep?
There are long term effect, if you don't sleep, like sleep deprivation can cause anxiety and depression, stress. chronic sleep deprivation can have lasting effects on a person's health and skin. changes what's start during sleep, won't complete. you feel like lack of energy, new hormones can't generates, tissues and skin damages can't repair, increase blood pressure, less mental focus so, without sleeping it can be very harmful for long term.

Thank you...


  1. Good information 👍
    And writing also simple words it is very important for everyone to our sleeping mode


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